The legendary SM58® is an industry-standard, highly versatile cardioid dynamic vocal microphone, tailored to deliver warm and clear vocal reproduction. The SM58 is consistently the first choice for vocal performances around the globe.
SHURE SM58 咪高峰
即使在極端環境下,SM58®也能夠對準主要聲源,同時有效降低背景噪音。它同時也倍受俱樂部,小型和大型現場演出DJ和主持人的歡迎。SM58 is an ideal choice for a professional vocal artist in any live performance setting. SM58 is tuned to accentuate the warmth and clarity of lead and backing vocals. Even in extreme conditions, the SM58 is tailored to target the main sound source while minimizing background noise. It is also very popular with djs and presenters in clubs and in small and large live venues.